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Key Characteristics
The cat in you is confident, intuitive and fiercely independent, making it difficult to ever truly pin you down. You are highly selective when choosing friends and prefer to keep people at arms length until you are comfortable trusting and confiding in them.
When making assessments of people or situations, you possess excellent judgment and act with a good sense of timing. You are confident in your opinions and when articulating your feelings to others and rarely succumb to peer pressure.
Your inner cat is resourceful and loves to roam freely, achieving fulfillment through your own adventures. However, you like to retain a comfortable home base where you can rest and recharge before seeking your next opportunity.
You prefer to work on your own schedule only becoming curious and committed once something exciting grabs your attention. You are a seductive and very sensual individual that finds it easy to attract potential partners.
The strategic cat in you will take risks when it matters, but they are measured and calculated, to guarantee a level of safety and success. When faced with challenges in life, your balanced, adaptable approach allows for appropriate course correction. No matter what the circumstances, you always seem to land back on your feet.
Key Challenges
Your independence is a core value, yet others can perceive your aloof nature as rejection. In long-term relationships your partner may sometimes feel as though they are not needed. Be mindful to show your vulnerability at times, by expressing your emotions to close friends and loved ones and involving them in your plans.
The strong-willed nature of your inner cat means that once you have made up your mind it can be very difficult to change. This confident, self-assured attitude, though at times is a façade, can be intimidating to others. You also have a tendency to come across as mysterious.
You prefer to make the rules rather than follow them, completing projects on your own terms and in your own time. This apparent lack of co-operation and consideration towards others can make it a challenge for you to successfully work as part of a team.
Available on kids & adults tees, baby grows, cushions…and more!
Everyone has two! Choose your other inner animal that best describes you…